Philadelphia-based artist, Taj Poscé, analyzes the beauties and plights of his life through color, abstraction and informal narrative paintings, designs and poems. He truly has a pure, raw and optimistic gaze on art making and on the world. Many of his most recent works reflect the idioms “every cloud has a silver lining” and “being on cloud 9.” Taj often mixes found materials from his environment with quality materials, which show no sense of hierarchy in his work. He also sometimes burns paintings in an abstract way that, to him, reference the current states of war and chaos. Many of his works across mediums reference clouds. He believes that as humans, like clouds, we are constantly in motion, adapting, evolving and changing. Poscé believes that we are always taking form to our present circumstances; trying to grasp and understand the plights of our being while also embracing and cherishing them with the beauty of our lives.
Taj Poscé was born and raised in Philadelphia, still lives and works there. He received his BFA (Bachelors of Fine Arts) from the Tyler School of Arts. During his time at Tyler, he was nominated and accepted into the Yale Norfolk Summer Residency. He later received a study abroad scholarship to practice in a studio in Rome, Italy. His work appeared in a group exhibition at the Temple Rome Gallery. His work has been featured in shows at Vox Populi, The Bishop Gallery, Studio 723, Blank Canvas Gallery, the CCC Gallery, and he has also received the Bertha Lear award for painting, as well as, the Violet Hecht Award for printmaking. Poscé has taken time off since graduating undergrad. While in this gap period, he was accepted in the Philadelphia Mural Arts Program. He intends to continue his education to receive his Masters of Fine Arts.