Growing up in Guatemala, Luis Emilio Romero was surrounded by lush green wildlife and an abundance of high-altitude mountains. It was through observing their surroundings that his ancestors developed the art of weaving textiles. Long considered to be laborious, it was only with pure dedication that the technique could be learned. Through his research, he finally gained understanding of the amalgamation that was the marriage between color, line and texture that create the notion of weaving.

The dichotomy is process and light. By balancing these methods, he extends the exposure and vulnerability of the open layers in the linen and canvas. In conjunction, the lines, geometric pattern and color are exposed to the viewer. Thus, through the process, the marks left behind trace back to his own mythology.

The idea of the textile is still embedded in the work like a metaphor. It is also a cultivation that symbolizes land and people. In cultivating this textile, albeit in paint form, he keeps the tradition alive.

“Era un horizonte con montañas inmensas rodeando los campos en el centro. El aroma del campo de tomates era emitido por las hojas verdes, y la fragancia era dulce y verde. El sol estaba por caer, y el viento hacía mi cuerpo temblar como los árboles a mi alrededor.” 

(In progress novel)