Alex Choi, currently pursuing his MFA at Hunter University, sees his paintings as containers of his emotions; mirrors that reflect his psychological state of mind; and "self-portraits". He typically begins his creative process with automatic drawing and painting, eventually identifying an image that he wants to give meaning to, just as one interprets dreams. However, as he works, a familiar sense of suspicion often arises, which he tries to resist. Sometimes, he fails and destroys his work, starting over until he reaches a satisfactory outcome.
Through this repeated process, Alex creates multiple layers in his paintings. Some layers are chaotically automatic and unintentional, while others are deliberately controlled. The combination of these layers creates a tangled, distorted image that is both bizarre and whimsical. Alex is intrigued by the fact that his lingering agony can be transformed into a fantastic and unexpected visual language, which he considers art.
Alex's paintings represent a range of emotions, including disappointment, loss, loneliness, emptiness, obligation, sadness, love, vulnerability, mischief, a sense of not belonging, hatred, playfulness, self-effacement, frustration, fascination, complexity, self-absorption, sophistication, insecurity, escape, recollection, attachment, suffering, resistance, madness, delinquency, numbness, violence, embarrassment, and thrill.